Monday, March 1, 2010

Is that a nose blow I hear?

Who ever thought blowing your nose would make the pig go crazy, because it does. Kaela blows her nose every morning when she gets up (allergies) and the pig associates this with food. Food, his one true love. Naturally, we feed Muff every morning when we get up, usually around the same time, but like most people we do the same things every morning when we get up. For Kaela, its an alarm clock, out of bed, a solid nose blow, maybe a bathroom break and then food for the pig. HE KNOWS THIS.

It's like clock work. Every morning, the second he hears Kaela stirring in bed, the alarm clock go off, or the infamous nose blow he's squeaking like he's about to starve to death. This squeak is not a little, I'm so happy, good morning world squeak; it's ear-piercing. It sounds like someone is torturing him. I can be in my room, with the door shut and still hear him. It's ridiculous.

Want to hear it? I went to this website with a bunch of different guinea pig sounds. Apparently this noise is an "alarm call" and it can happen when guinea pigs are confronted with other guinea pigs or if they are afraid of something. I have NO IDEA what he could possibly be afraid of at 7am, but I'm sure it's not the mounds of hay we give him.

This is the link with what he sounds like. Scroll down and click on Clover (apparently she does a pretty good alarm call). I don't know who has the time to make a website like I blog about my guinea pig. Now, I want you to imagine this "alarm call" as you lie in bed...and it NEVER ENDS.


Until we give him hay of course.

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