Tuesday, March 16, 2010


As an addition to the previous post I wanted to update on his situation. This might not interest some, but I find it absolutely astounding. I'm not sure the average number of times a guinea pig poops per hour, but Stud Muffin has pooped 17, YES 17 times in the last 2 hours. Two of these little dropplings are located in his food dish. Apparently the saying, "Don't poop where you eat means nothing to him."

That is all.

17 times.


  1. McMuffin, buddy....now I got all excited when I seen yer name 'cause I thought you wuz somethin' tuh EAT! Oh, well. Glad ya stopped by my blog, anyways.

    An' that's some impressive poopin' I tell ya what!

  2. Hey Hank. Apparently I sound/look pretty tasty!

    I recently won an award for most poops per minute. I'm pretty proud!


  3. 17 is very impressive for such a little fellow. Where does he keep it all. Nice blog - have put a link to it on my blog under "favourite blogs" - http://albertthecat.blogspot.com/

    Regards, Bert.
