As we cleaned his horrendously disgusting cage, I held the pig and Kaela cleaned (this is usually how it goes). As I held him, wrapped in a warm fuzzy towel, he looked so cute I had to start taking pictures. Eventually these pictures evolved into a full menu of food items.
Initially, Kaela's mom came up with "Muffin Soup" because he flips over his igloo and then sits in it. Don't even get me started on him flipping over his igloo and then freaking out because he has nowhere to hide. However, this little number is really pretty cute.
Next on the menu is "Guinea Ragoon," a slight moderation to the always popular crab ragoon found at many Chinese restaurants. I am a fan of crab ragoon, but I'm not sure how cream cheese with guinea pig would taste. Side note: guinea pigs are served as a delicacy in some countries. So glad they're not here, or these menu items could very well be true (very disturbing)!
Next we have the "Pig Taco," which lacks some of the core ingredients to a taco, such as cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, etc, but I have a feeling the yummy flavors of Muff will do just fine to make up for the shortcomings in additional ingredients.
Obviously, we had to include Stud as a muffin. It just makes logical sense, and sometimes when he wads up into a ball he can appear pretty compact. What kind of muffin you ask? A stud muffin of course.
Finally, after Kaela clipped his toenails the white and red towel was replaced with a lime green one. Once wrapped in this I thought he looked like a cute little lettuce wrap. During my attempt to catch this adorable candid moment the unthinkable (although, completely thinkable) thing happened: he peed on me. Yes, he peed on me. The top of my leg felt a sudden rush of warmth and there was a little wet spot on my pants. As you may have predicted, I lost track of taking adorable pictures to scream and feel totally disgusted by what had happened. So, unfortunately I don't have a picture of the "Stud Lettuce Wrap," but hopefully the description is enough.
Disclaimer: We have no real intentions of eating our guinea pig, please have no fear.